
Just another site

Month: October, 2013


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Part of a series called ‘Undocumented Interventions’ by Julio Cesar Morales.  I saw this in a Hispanic art exhibit in Phoenix around 2009 which would turn out, without exaggeration, the BEST art exhibit I have ever been to.   I particularly like this series in that it exhibits an extremely emotional and horrifying event in a very clinical and diagrammatic way; line drawings with watercolor.  Almost like an IKEA diagram.

Accompanying the watercolors there was a video showing an abstract transect riding around Tijuana implying at the thriving industry of modifying vehicles and appliances to smuggle immigrants to the US.




Competition proposal by some Penn faculty + associated personel of David Gouverneur, Oscar Grauer, Nuri Bofill, David Maestres, Nicholas Pevzner, Maria Villalobos, Julian Palacio, Carla Urbina, Hye Ri Moon, Taylor Sams and Steven Shimamoto.

Anticipating Infiltration

Temporal + qualitative ideas.

Recent Visitor: Mason White

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Health Hangars by LATERAL OFFICE.
Mason White, Principal, was present at the Penn SupeReview for Landscape Architecture.  According the LARP Department:

“Mason White received his Bachelor of Architecture from Virginia Tech and his Master of Architecture from Harvard Graduate School of Design. He is an Associate Professor at the Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, & Design at the University of Toronto. He has taught at Harvard University, Cornell University, Ohio State University, and UC Berkeley. WHITE previously worked at Moncaelli Press (New York), Machado Silvetti Associates (Boston), and Panter Hudspith (London) before forming LATERAL OFFICE. He is convinced that there are new roles for architecture out there that we do not know because we are not looking, really looking. WHITE is the recipient of the 2008-09 Arthur Wheelwright Fellowship from Harvard Graduate School of Design”

Habitat Potentials

Mapping layers of opportunity.

34.9 Million Miles

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Images of Mars.

4th Floor

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It’s not beautiful, but it’s home.

Movies In/About Philly


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Watch with a rack of Yuengling and you’re set.

Beyond Landscape Infrastructure?

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[Stained Glass Salt Ponds in San Francisco]


Infrastructure, as a word and concept, gets thrown around a lot here at Penn.  The same is for leading design institutions where  ideas of service, lines and networks have been prevalent in recent times.  This is an ambitious endeavor by proponents of landscape URBANISM; where landscape is the leading and predominant driver in issues relating to urbanity; development, energy production, resource extraction, etc.

In response to this prevalent ideology, ‘Landscape Urbanism and its Discontents’ critiques and argues for the perceived short-comings and dogma found in landscape urbanism (founded mostly on a couple of LU-branded projects, the ‘Landscape Urbanism Reader’, Harvard GSD and PennDesign).

Though intentional or not, most of the landscape architecture studios here at Penn adhere to the ideology of ‘landscape as driver’.  This is conveniently problematized by having the studio sequences redefine what ‘landscape’ is.

No complains here but a question I’ve had is:
If Landscape Architecture is to be the driver in contemporary issues of infrastructure, what’s the line of opportunistic engagement of previously unseen opportunities and that of over-stepping our bounds into quasi-science and poor engineering?

Liminal Lines

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Analog Model // Eduardo Santamaria // 2013
Miami Vice Studio w/ Karen M’Closkey